Founder of Knowledge and Security Analytics, LLC

Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham, Founder

Dr. Bhavani is the Louis A. Beecherl, Jr. Distinguished Professor of Computer Science and the Executive Director of the Cyber Security Research and Education Institute at The University of Texas at Dallas (UTD) and a Senior Research Fellow at Kings College, the University of London. She is an elected Fellow of IEEE, the AAAS, the British  Computer Society, and the SPDS (Society for Design and Process Science). She received several prestigious awards including IEEE Computer Society's 1997 Technical Achievement Award for “outstanding and innovative contributions to secure data management”, the 2010 ACM SIGSAC (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control) Outstanding Contributions Award for “seminal research contributions and leadership in data and applications security for over 25 years” and the SDPS Transformative Achievement Medal for her contributions to interdisciplinary research.

She has unique experience working in the commercial industry, federal research laboratory, US government and academia and her 36 year career includes products development, technology transfer, program management, and consulting for the federal government and law firms at Honeywell, MITRE, NSF and UTD. Her work has resulted in 100+ journal articles, 200+ conference papers, 100+ keynote/featured addresses, eight US patents (three pending) and fourteen books in data analytics and cyber security. She received the prestigious earned higher doctorate degree (Doctor of Engineering) from the University of Bristol, England for her published research work in secure data management since her PhD.